Copyright Research Lab @ Tulane Law School
The Copyright Research Lab at Tulane University was the home base, beginning in 2007, of the Durationator Copyright Experiment, the original project that set out to explore the possibilities of developing code-based solutions to copyright problems. The Durationator in its early stages was developed with university-based grants and student research hours. Project research continues today at the Copyright Research lab. For more information about the lab, contact the lab directly at townsend@tulane.edu. If you are a law student contemplating studying at Tulane Law School, feel free to reach out. The Copyright Research Lab does not, however, take outside requests. Inquiries regarding copyright duration matters should be directed to the Durationator team.

The Durationator Advisory Board was assembled during the time that the Durationator was in its project stages at Tulane University. The board is comprised of key individuals who have advised, reviewed, discussed, and supported the work on the Durationator over the years. These individuals include:
Christopher Bavitz (Harvard)
Robert Brauneis (George Washington)
Kyle Courtney (Havard)
Greg Cram (New York Public Library)
Kenneth Crews (Gibson, Hoffman, and Pancione; Columbia University)
Deborah Gerhardt (University of North Carolina)
Daniel Gervais (Vanderbilt)
Paul Goldstein (Stanford)
Peter Hirtle (Cornell, Harvard's Berkman Center)
Pamela Samuelson (U.C. Berkeley)
Roberta Kwall (DePaul)
Peter Jaszi (American)
David Nimmer (Nimmer on Copyright)
Matthew Sag (Loyola, Chicago)
Robert Spoo (University of Tulsa)
Jule Sigall (Microsoft)
Peter Yu (Texas A&M)
Diane Zimmerman (NYU)
Ongoing research for the Durationator continues at the Copyright Research Lab @ Tulane Law School, and funding is received from the Jill H. and Avram A. Glazer Professorship for Social Entrepreneurship.
Additionally, a number of major studios, private companies, universities, law firms, and other organizations have played important roles in the development of the Durationator. These include:
Frick Collection
Warner Brothers
University of Michigan
University of Texas at Austin
University of Colorado, at Boulder
Penn State
Tulane University
Quid Pro Books
Amistad Collection
Idea Village
52 Businesses
and many independent artists, scholars, and others
The Durationator expresses its extreme gratitude to all of these individuals and institutions.
durationator Advisory Board